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Parent Info

The Purple Band Box (PBB)

purple band boxAs a former freshman band parent, I was told throughout the year to have my student “put it in the Purple band Box.”  
Ever wondered what is the purple band box? Ever wondered where it is located? What does it look like? Lo and behold, the parental mystery is solved!

The purple band box is the primary paperwork hub for everything “band.”  It is, of course, located in the band room, prominently on display, facing our band kids each day! The PBB is a place where students put forms, fees, fundraising money, returned items, etc., for collection by Mr. Myers and the Band Booster Staff. The Booster staff also uses it to pass correspondence and completed forms between themselves. Although it isn’t the magical container I once thought, it has a mighty purpose and serves us well! So, next time you tell your student to “put it in the purple band box,” you’ll know exactly where it goes...

2023/2024 RESOURCES


6 May
Marching Band - Evening Practice
MOD_DPCALENDAR_UPCOMING_DATE 05/06/24 06:00 - 08:30
7 May
Marching Band - After School Practice
05/07/24 03:15 - 05:15
9 May
Marching Band - Evening Practice
05/09/24 06:00 - 08:30
13 May
Marching Band - Evening Practice
05/13/24 06:00 - 08:30
14 May
Marching Band - After School Practice
05/14/24 03:15 - 05:15


Have photos from any of the Leo Band events? Send them over to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for review, and you may see them on our website in the future!